Thursday, November 07, 2013

Into the corral

I woke up to more snow.  I guess global warming is passing us by once again.  Snow is in the forecast for many days to come so it appears I will be feeding the cattle hay sooner than I had planned.

Time to get the cattle into the corral and start feeding them hay. 

In the morning most of the cattle were at the salt feeder near the south/middle pasture gate.  The other three cattle came when I called them.  I let them into the middle pasture and the herd was excited.  None but Momma had ever been in the middle pasture.

After a quick look-see of the middle pasture they came to the middle/north pasture gate.  I then let them into the north pasture.  More excitement at being in a new place.  Beulah took time to look things over.  She also studied the neighbors' houses to the north.

The cattle had to wait to get into the corral and join the one cow and calf until I got their hay feeder ready.

Here are the boards I use as a feeder floor.

Once I put the boards in I found I now had a gap where none had existed in the past.

I found a board from my scrap pile that fit.

While I put the hay feeder together and then got a couple of bales of  hay from the hay shed to fill it, the cattle hung around the gate and mooed.  By the time I was done they had wandered off.  I left the gate open and within the hour they had come into the corral and found the hay.  I closed the gate to keep them in the corral for now.

FYI - the cow with the limp is much better.  With all the activity I saw her walk around more and while she isn't 100% back to normal, she is much better than before.

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