Saturday, May 28, 2022

Well leak fixed

Back in early April my house well pump pipe had a leak.

Even though I fixed it back then, the new plastic pipe still had a really small leak at the bottom where the pipe fit onto the fitting in the pipe coming out of the concrete floor.  The past weekend I tried to fix it and stop the leak.  I only had one metal ring/clamp at the bottom connection.  I must need two rings/clamps, one at each end of the pipes to squeeze the pipes tight against the fitting.

After I put the second ring/clamp on the pipes, the leak was slightly faster.  Huh?

I asked my neighbor Curtis for advice.  He said heat the pipes slightly and that way I can tightened the rings/clamps more.   I did.  And the leak was just as much, or a touch more.

Curtis said maybe the ring/clamp on the lower pipe needed to be lower on that pipe and not at the very end.  Like the concrete is not holding the pipe tight against the fitting?  

So I had to chip away at the concrete around the lower pipe.  And do it carefully so as not to damage the plastic pipe.    This was a project.  The concrete was hard of course.  But also in the concrete were small rocks.  Try breaking rocks into smaller pieces, much less out of the concrete, when they are completely in concrete.   Also the shed is not super large.  I had to kneel outside the shed and try to chip.  And the pipe is at an angle which made chipping on the left side harder to do.

Because I would get tired kneeling and bending, and I didn't want to get too frustrated and then accidentally damage a plastic pipe, I would only chip away for a short amount of time until I got tired.  Also, after I had removed the two rings/clamps so I can chip close to the pipe, the leak slowed way down.  Way down.   Huh?

After much of the week chipping the area larger and slightly deeper, I decided to try putting the rings/clamps back on the pipes.   To my surprise the leak stopped.  Hurray!   I've checked and looked the past few days and no leak.  The concrete dried out.   So finally!

Before (back in April), and after.  I took the after photo a couple days ago.  The concrete is now white (completely dry).

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