Friday, May 27, 2022

Beaver, turtle, and birds

Yesterday when I was looking at how high the river was at due to the Spring runoff, I saw an animal swimming slowly upstream along the river's bank on the other side of the river.  I mainly saw the head barely above water.  I wasn't sure if it was a beaver or a muskrat.  Before it could swim around the corner the animal climbed up onto the river's bank.  Still I wasn't exactly sure what kind of animal it was as I didn't see a tail.  The size could be what I consider a normal beaver size - half the size I saw when the beaver walked by my house that night weeks ago.  Or could it be a large muskrat?

I watched and didn't make a move or sound.  The animal groomed itself.  It rubbed its nose and face and head with its paws.  Then it rubbed its belly as it was sitting upright.  Then the side of its body.  Then it seemed to rub its butt.

After a little more body grooming the animal went down onto all of its legs and moved off the river's bank and into the river.  Just before it was completely in the water I saw its tail.  Yes, it was a beaver.   Then it slowly swam upstream and around the corner.

This lasted 10 or more minutes.  It was nice to watch the beaver swim and groom.  I just wish they wouldn't eat my willow trees along the river's bank.

Today I went to the same spot and watched.  At one point I saw dark round object on the river's bank where the beaver was yesterday.  Then the object was gone.  Back into the water.  I do have turtles in the river.  Usually I see them sunning on tree branches in and out of water along the river's banks.  No branches there.  But I think it was a turtle.

Also yesterday I noticed a couple birds on the dead tree trunk in my front yard.  I looked closer and saw two holes in the trunk.   That is where the birds must be living.   I have a large live tree south of my house and birds carved out a hole in which to nest.  One year I nailed a board over the hole to prevent the birds from moving back the next year.  The birds carved out a new hole near the boarded hole.  So I gave up and let them live there.

One hole is where a branch used to be.  The other hole was completely created by the birds.

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