Sunday, December 12, 2021

Tree / shrub trimming near the house

The end of November and the beginning of December I spent time trimming the trees and shrubs that are right next to the house.  Two emerald green arborvitae trees grow in front of the house.  I have a western arborvitae shrub in front of the house between the two emerald green arborvitae trees.  Also there is a another variety of evergreen (juniper?) shrub between the south emerald green arborvitae tree and the western arborvitae shrub. This variety doesn't grow tall.  South of the house is another evergreen variety tree.  I don't know this one's name.  This grows tall, like the emerald green arborvitae trees.

Here are some old posts from back when I trimmed these trees and shrubs over the years.  You can see I had really cut down the height originally.

Now it is time to trim these trees and shrubs again.  I had planned to do this a few years ago but in 2019 I had my accident.  In 2020 I waited too late, and it snowed.  I stand on the house roof to trim the trees and I don't want to stand on a snow-covered house roof.  One would think this should only take an afternoon or day to do, but it takes longer for me.  I would only spend an hour to hour and a half each day to trim.  I trimmed the trees down to the 2009 level.  That was where the main trunks had been cut.  I wanted to cut the trees a little shorter.   So I spent time cutting them (the trunks) down about another foot in height.   And then I spent time touching up my cuts and also making sure each tree seemed to be the same height.  A day or so after I finished my tree and shrub trimmings, it snowed.

Standing on the ground the tree still looks too tall.  Standing on the roof, it seems ok.  I may trim this tree lower next year.  I tend not to want to trim too much from the trees each year to overdo the trimming and really set the tree back.  The same for the shrub in front of the house.

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