Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Pushing snow for the cattle

One of the heifers must have still been drinking from her mother as she was mooing for her mother quite often today.  The mother would come to the closest point in the middle pasture to moo back - usually when she saw me near the gate.  The calf was born last February so past time to be weaned.  The mother is Speckles, who is an exceptional mother, and one who didn't 'kick her calf off her udder'.  The other three heifers must have been "kicked off by their mothers" as they didn't make any noise calling for their mothers, nor did their mothers call for them.

Time to put out a large hay bale for the cows.   I also put out a large hay bale for the heifers in the corral so I don't have to put out a small hay bale each day for them.

Since I had the tractor started I decided to put the bucket on and push some snow away in the pasture.  I don't like to put hay on the snow and every time I put out a large hay bale I would move the feeder so one area is not overdone in manure.  I would shovel snow away from where I pushed the feeder to its new spot.  As we are getting snow most days now the shoveling is taking longer to do.   I used the tractor to clean a larger area that should be good for several weeks of movement.  I also cleared a route out to the feeder.  Makes it easier for me to walk out there even though the snow is not that deep.

Mama standing in the cleared area.

We had frost today.  In the photo below that is cow hair on the barb wire that got frosted.

Haynes the bull and cow #110.

Haynes the bull

Diamond wasn't walking on the cleared path.  Her calf was.  But when the calf saw me trying to take her photo she got off the path and ran through the snow by her mother.

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