Friday, April 02, 2021

Stump removal

I want to harrow the pastures so I am trying to clean the fallen trees and the broken branches due to the large windstorm this past January.  It is taking longer than I expected but I am getting close to being done.  One thing that slowed me down was a tree stump I got rid of.  When cleaning the south pasture I noticed what looked like a tree root in an area where I had burned a tree stump to remove it a few years ago.  But it wasn't a tree root near the top of the ground.  I had to dig and found part of the tree stump I had burnt a few years ago.  I had burnt and burnt that tree stump and I thought I had gotten rid of all of the stump.  Nope. 

So this time I dug around the rest of the stump and used an axe to chop it so I didn't have to burn the stump again.  I filled a wheelbarrow with what I removed.

The grass hadn't completely grown back after I had burnt the stump a few years ago, so you can see how large the stump originally was as the stump had been in the area from the hole to the lower left corner of the photo.

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