Friday, August 14, 2020

Starting second cutting of the hay

Today I started the second cutting of the hay.  Even though I just finished irrigating the hayfield a little over a day earlier, the alfalfa is blooming and I want to get the hay cutting done with.

The second cutting is not as tall as the first cutting.  I had thought it would only take me a little over a day to cut the hay.  Wrong.  The hay is thick and the plants are full of moisture inside them.  I drove in the slowest speed to cut the area I last irrigated as in some spots it was still a little moist.  Otherwise I could only really drive in the second slowest speed; not the third lowest as I had expected I could.

I think I had started around the same time of the day as I did when I made first cutting last month, but I have to move irrigation pipe in the evening, and it gets dark earlier now.  So I had to quit cutting at 7:30 pm instead of 10 pm.  Two and one half hours less of cutting.  Still, I think I was able to cut more hay this time.  I cut somewhere between a third to half of the field.  So I may not finish until Sunday.

The cattle were taking a siesta for a few hours as I cut.

The black cow and the red cow are both licking salt blocks.  The pipe is the third irrigation sprinkler line. In the evening when I went to move irrigation pipes I noticed the wooden salt feeder was flipped over and the salt blocks were under the feeder.  I don't know why the cows like to flip the feeder over.  They don't want to share the salt with the other cows?

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