Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Cattle and trees and gophers

A few days ago when I was spraying in the middle pasture I saw Toby scratching on a small evergreen tree.  I yelled over at him to stop doing that.  Not much else I could do.  Toby looked my way.  After a couple more scratches he quit and moved on.   You can see how the tree now leans.  If Toby keeps doing this, the tree may not survive.

In the south pasture I seen where the cattle (Toby?) had knocked over a rotting tree stump.

The past few days I have been on a tear trapping pocket gophers in the south pasture.  Seven yesterday.  Four today.  It appears I got all the pocket gophers out of the pastures.  For now.   I had trapped all of the pocket gophers from the hayfield earlier.  But yesterday I moved the south irrigation line towards the road.  Guess what?  I've now found dirt mounds in three separate areas where I placed the line.  Some gophers apparently decided to come across the road from the neighbor's pasture after I had gotten rid of the previous pocket gophers.  So I imagine I'll get a few more pocket gophers in the south pasture before it gets to Fall and they mostly stop migrating from the neighbor's fields to mine for a better place to live.   43 pocket gophers trapped so far this year.

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