Monday, May 23, 2016

Another broken corral fence board

Rain!  Rain!  Rain!!!   Some parts of the valley are getting flooded.  My property is fine, except for the corral.  The loose grass-free ground in the corral is a mud pit.  The rain is supposed to start ending tomorrow - thank goodness.

This morning when I checked on the cattle I saw that Buddy broke another board in an effort to smell a cow possibly in heat.

So... in the rain I fixed it.

The bottom new board is one I initially used on top.  After nailing it there I felt it was too narrow and found another wider board.  I nailed the extra board down low where the fence board is thinner.

Buddy laid out of the rain while I fixed the fence.  Which was nice as then he wasn't underfoot.

For those interested in calf 13, here is photo of him and another calf taken last week before the rain took off.

What a difference a month makes in the size of calves.

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