Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Willow tree ladder

I wanted to cut another high branch on my willow tree.  This branch is thicker than the branch I had just cut.  After quite some time cutting on the branch I decided I needed to be higher so I didn't have to reach so high to cut the branch.

My local neighborhood building supply store had some extra wooden pallets for giveaway and I used those pallets to increase my height.

To keep the pallets from wobbling I tied them down with bungee cords.  I also have a pallet the perfect size to fit between the legs of the ladder.  So while I was high up (12 1/2 ft to the top of the ladder), the ladder for the most part is stable (as long as I don't get crazy on it).  It is a little tricky to climb up onto the ladder, especially with a long pole saw.

As you can see I still have a ways to reach the middle branch on the right side. If you consider the peak of the garage is the second story, the branch I want to cut is three stories high.

Btw - Tammy wanted me to clarify that with her fractured shoulder she couldn't help me with the tree cutting by holding the ladder while she visited me.  And without her help she was afraid I would fall off the ladder and end up in the hospital.  You do have to admit... to many people this looks like a risky proposition.

Stay tuned...!

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