Monday, February 21, 2022

Patio wind damage

Since noon on Sunday the cold front's wind blew 20 to 30 mph with wind gusts up to 47 mph.  This morning I found one of the roof panels on the patio had blown off.  A while ago I had placed some bent steel fence posts on top of the patio roof to help when there was strong winds. As you can see one of the metal posts also blew off.   The ground is frozen but the wind was still able to drive the post into the frozen ground.

The wind is still blowing now.  Only around 20 mph with gusts in the upper 20s to 30 mph.  So it felt colder than what it actually was of 12 degrees above.   I'm letting the cattle stay in the corral and out of the wind in the loafing shed.  Tomorrow the wind is predicted to be less.  I hope so.

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