Friday, February 21, 2020

Hay bale for the calves

This morning I put out another large hay bale for the calves in the corral.  They should be weaned by now, but to be on the safe side I'll continue to keep them separated from their mothers.  No sense having the calves around when their mothers have new calves and start producing milk again.

As you can see the curious calves have to check everything out and want to eat up the remaining hay in the feeder.  I herded the calves to the main corral and shut the gate to keep them out while I lower the large hay bale and then flipped the feeder back around the bale.  If I didn't get the calves away one of them could get hurt when I re-flip the feeder back to the ground.

The cows and bull are fed twice a day out in the pasture.  Here they are finishing up eating the morning feeding of hay.

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