Friday, December 23, 2016

Rose has died

At 9:45 pm last night Rose was alive.  I checked again at 1:45 am and she was dead.  It appears she had died a short time before I checked on her.

I miss Rose.  Rose and Mama are my favorite cows.  I raised Rose from a calf.  She was Mama's calf.  She was a lively, intelligent and spunky little calf.  All of Mama's calves have been that way.  Apparently being a lively and spunky little calf annoyed the other cows and they were mean to her.   The other cattle bullied Rose and, while Mama could take care of herself, I tried to help Rose.  When feeding hay at the wooden feeders and the other cattle would push her away from the hay, I would take some hay around south of the barn and Rose would follow.  I would close the gates and let Rose eat there undisturbed.  When I had apples I would often sneak some to Rose when the other cattle weren't looking.  Otherwise they would push Rose away and take the apples.

With Rose I had hopes of keeping Mama's line going at the ranch.  Now I need Mama to outlast Buddy, and to have a heifer calf when I replace Buddy.

The cattle all stood outside the corral yesterday and watched while the vet worked on Rose.  When I let them back into the corral yesterday they spent some time checking out the head gate area where we worked.  Today several times throughout the day I saw small groups of cows studying the head gate and area around it.  Once time, when I heard a mournful moo, I thought another cow was in trouble.  Nope. A few cows were near the head gate and one must have been sad.

I have a hole in my herd and at my ranch.

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