Monday, February 03, 2025

What chased the cattle last week

I figured out what chased my cattle last Wednesday.  I talked with some neighbors to see if they saw anything.  Then a woman who lives north of me stopped me when I was bicycling and told me last week her son saw two dogs chasing the cows and then trapping one of them along the fence.   She said the one large was a large white dog, a Pyrenees dog.  The other was a medium sized dog.  She has seen them before in the area and said they are not her neighbors' dogs.  She thinks they may come from across the river and on the ridge.

I talked with a neighbor, Shane, to the south of me.  He has dogs, but not large or white.  He said several weeks ago he saw two dogs, one large white dog and a medium sized dog.   They were in the field south of my pasture, and west of his place, and they looked to be doing something.  He later went out and found what looked to be a deer carcass out there where the dogs had been.   He thought the large dog was a Newfoundland dog breed.  But Newfoundland dogs are dark, most black colored.  Shane also thought these dogs came from across the river and up on the ridge.

The river had frozen over along my middle pasture.  Earlier when I had looked for tracks I saw dog tracks on the snow covered ice.  Saturday it got warm and up to 40 degrees under a sunny sky.  So the ice melted in the center of the river.  No more ice bridge.  Until today.  Overnight the temperature dropped down to 10 above and the wind blew.  Still blowing. It is cold outside today.  The cattle are sheltering in the loafing shed and out of the wind.  I imagine the river iced over again.

Today I called the county animal control department and talked with Paul.  He was the guy who was called when the neighbor's cattle from up on the ridge and to the south got out and came down to the field south of mine.  People initially thought they were my cattle.   So Paul knew where I was located.  He will check around up on the ridge for these dogs running around and will talk to the owners.  I hope this ends the terrorizing by these dogs.  I noticed today two cows have a slight limp in a back leg when walking in the corral.  Probably from jumping over a fence.

This isn't a photo of dog who chased my cattle.  But I included a photo in case you didn't know what a large Pyrenees dog looks like.   Not what you want chasing cattle.

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