Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Fritz the bull

Yesterday afternoon I got my new bull, Fritz. I named him Fritz after the owner.  Donna went with me.  The owner had two bulls for me to choose from.  Both bulls looked good, but we all agreed on which bull seemed to be the better-looking bull.

Fritz was born early Spring, in February or early March.   He is a big boy already and looks to weigh 800 pounds or more.  He is well built and has good features.  The owner has nice cattle which is why I asked if he would raise a bull for me and not make it a steer. The last bull the owner had bought cost him $7000.  Fritz cost me $2000.  The most I ever paid for a bull.  But that is how it is in the cattle business these days.  This year I got the most I ever for my calves.  So of course this year would be the most I ever paid for a bull.   Especially since his genetics appear to be very good.   In the evening I got the sale report from the livestock where I sold my calves. Young bulls like mine sold for around $2000.

I loaded Fritz up and brought him home.  I placed him in the south corral.  I want him to get adjusted to his new home.  I didn't want him out in the pasture with the other cows in case he decided to immediately try to go back home.  Earlier when I put out a hay bale for the cows I also put out a large hay bale in the south corral for Fritz.  I plan on keeping Fritz in the corral for about a week then let him out to join the cows.

Fritz seems to be doing well.  He does want to go and be with the cows in the north pasture.  At times he moos or calls them.

Fritz seems to have big balls, or testicles as Donna calls them. I wanted to get a photo showing them, but he would always stand with a leg blocking the view of them when I tried to take a photo.

Here are photos from this morning.  Light snow today.  I'm glad I got Fritz yesterday and not today.  The road by my place is slick as ice from the snow.  This evening looking out my front window I saw a vehicle go in and then out of the ditch.  A few minutes later I noticed other cars going slow and some with flashers on as they drove.  I thought it may be because of the vehicle that had gone in and out of the ditch.   I went out to check my mail and saw a pickup had gone in the ditch past where the first went in the ditch.  The other vehicle had used the owner's small approach to get out of the ditch.  So I think this vehicle may be another vehicle.   This vehicle didn't appear to have hit the fence.  Since the fence is solid I slowly and carefully walked over and told the owner about the vehicle in the ditch.  I was right, even though the headlights were on the owner hadn't seen the vehicle in the ditch.  I think it took two tow trucks to get the vehicle out of the steep ditch as I saw two arrive later.   Again, I was glad I didn't have to drive today to get Fritz.

In the afternoon a heifer and a cow took a break from eating hay and came over to meet Fritz.

Isn't Fritz a nice looking bull?

Donna took a photo of the view from my place after we unloaded Fritz.

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