Saturday, October 07, 2023

Haynes and the salt feeder, a tree stump, and turkeys

Haynes flipped and moved the salt feeder in the middle pasture yet again.  Since I rebuilt this feeder recently it held up and stayed together even though it was moved a distance across the pasture.  I put the salt feeder back.  Then I added wire around the feeder and the metal posts next to the feeder.   I'll see if this protects the salt feeder.

Earlier I had planned on digging around the last tree stump I plan to get rid of.  I found the dirt I dug from across the stump a few days ago was smashed and spread about.  It also appears the cattle are rubbing on the stump.  Some cattle were standing around the stump when I arrived.  Then Haynes showed up to see what was going on with me and the cows.  That is when I decided to abandon digging around the stump.  I may change my mind on this in the future.  For now I will let the cattle rub on the stump.

Photos of the stump from May and then today.  You can see how the cattle rub against it.

When I was wrapping wire around the feeder some cows came over to see what I was doing.  I had finished the first wire wrap then Haynes came over.  I had to kneel to wrap the wires.  After Haynes came over I stood up so I could move around if I had to.   I don't trust bulls.

Here is a 48 second video of Haynes rubbing on the salt feeder.  This time the feeder stayed in place, even with only the first wire wrapped.

I wasn't getting the second wire wrapped.  So I went and took a photo of the tree stump.   After I went to the stump Haynes left and went to the hayfield where the cows were eating.  Haynes rubbed and pushed on the open gate and then walked off.  Fortunately he didn't damage the gate.  I then wrapped the feeder to the metal posts with the second wire.

Also this evening I heard, then saw, the turkeys (who have been in the hayfield and pasture) up in the tall trees.  Some were in the left tree a third of the way from the top.  Others flew from the left tree past the dead tree over to the middle tree.  Again a third of the way from the top of the trees.   This must be where they spend the night.

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