Friday, June 09, 2023

Cattle in front yard and in middle pasture

Yesterday I removed the temporary corral panels in the yard and let the two cows and calf have access to the entire yard.  In the past week they have eaten down the grass in the back yard well enough.  I also closed the gates between the yard and the road.

Here are the cows and calves today.

Yesterday I also moved the cattle from the north pasture to the middle pasture to rotate the cattle between the pastures.  Of course they liked that.

I see some flowers are growing in an area near the river in the middle pasture.

Cow 62-3 is in heat as Haynes was very interested in staying near her and his penis would come out a few times.  But she was not in standing heat when I took the pictures. But close.   If bred she should give birth next March 20.

Are you in the mood?

I'm almost in the mood.  I'm thinking about it...

The calves like being in a new pasture to explore and run around.

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