Tuesday, May 25, 2021


It was raining hard when I got up after 6 am to use the bathroom.  By the time I got up much later it had quit raining, and hadn't rained the rest of the day.  Good.  We needed the rain, but 1.62 inches in two days is a bit much for us.  My corral is mud.  The river has quickly risen higher.  From about 450 CFS to 707 CFS in two days.  The river water is muddy looking now.

I wanted to fill in one of the holes where I had removed a tree stump.  But the pile of dirt was wet all the way through.  So I only got part of the hole filled in today as it was more work to shovel the wet dirt back into the hole, and it was getting to be a muddy mess.  Another day.

Here is a photo of the clouds from late this afternoon.   They may have gotten some rain in the north part of the valley today.   The mountains are high, but under these clouds they look small.

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