Friday, February 26, 2021

Chainsaw work

I need to do something.  Can't stay in bed all day moping for Daisy.  A few days ago I pruned some of the branches from my apple trees.  Late this afternoon I put a new chain on my chainsaw and cut some tree trunks.  I have a few box elder trees growing right next to my pole shed.  They were planted by the birds many years ago.  One tree is growing right against the wall.  So I have been trimming it back slowly year by year while a younger tree near this tree, and a little away from the wall, is growing.  Of the "bad" tree I was down to it only having two large trunks growing away from the pole shed.  The two trunks were because the tree trunk growing out of the ground right against the wall, had split into two trunks and then grew sideways and up away from the wall.  Today I cut off one of the split trunks using the chainsaw.  Next year I will remove the other trunk.

Then I cut up the tree in the north pasture that had fallen down earlier this Winter.  This is the tree the cattle ate all the needles off of.   Earlier I had cut up half the tree using a handsaw.  With the chainsaw I cut the rest of the tree.  I left the older stump alone as the cattle like to rub against that stump.

As you can see some branches went right into the ground, then froze in place.

I then cut up another smaller tree that had blown over right along the north/middle pastures fence.  Then I started cutting up the tree trunk from the tree that fell over on top of the apple tree last year.  That tree can be seen in the background of the first photo.  I was able to easily cut up the short section on the left of the photo. 

Then the longer section was a challenge.  The end of the tree was laying on the ground.  I thought I could cut the section laying on the ground and then remove that section.  But the end of the tree was frozen to/into the ground.  As I was removing the chainsaw, the longer section of the tree trunk then broke off and dropped slightly to the ground.  This action trapped my chainsaw blade and chain in the cut.

Using a large earlier cut log section I tried to knock this section loose from the ground.  I couldn't.  I had to go home and get a sledgehammer.  After a number of blows I finally broke this section from the ground which then freed my chainsaw.

I decided to call it quits for the day.

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