Thursday, June 25, 2020

Stump 9 removal

I had gotten rid of another stump.  This stump I was able to dig out of the ground.

I think this was the last tree stump from when dad was alive.  I remember visiting dad in 2000, and using dad's chainsaw helping him cut up the recently fallen tree. We took a break mid-afternoon and while dad was sitting on the loveseat and reading a newspaper he fell over, off the loveseat and to the floor.  He had to throw up.  We thought it may have been because of something he ate, and he was tired.  Months later we figured out what had happened.  He had been fighting a stroke and months later the stroke increased and he lost much of his vision.

So this tree stump has memories for me.  Over the years I placed tree branches and odds and ends of boards over the tree stump.  Two decades later, this Spring, I used the branches and wood when burning other stumps nearby.  Since I had decided to burn stump 8 I used the rest of the branches and wood covering stump 9.

The large pile of branches and wood caused stump 9 to mostly deteriorate.  So I was able to easily dig a little bit and remove the rest of the stump.

The stump was larger than what is seen in the photos.  The rest of the stump was so deteriorated this was the only section I really had to dig around.  In the second photo you can see on top of the ground some of the rest of the stump and side roots I earlier pried out of the ground.

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