Today I finished spraying herbicide on the weeds growing in the north pasture. I used a backpack sprayer. As I hadn't sprayed weeds in this pasture last year, and I'm in a multi-year effort to finally get rid of the weeds, there were more weeds than normal in half of the north pasture. The yarrow was trying to make a run for it.
After I finished the spraying I decided to cut down the tree that had fallen weeks ago in the strong wind storm. The tree had fallen against another spruce tree and was held up of the ground.
However, over time the tree started to slip down closer to the ground. Earlier I had used a step ladder and handsaw to trim off the fallen trees branches that I could reach. The top end of the fallen tree hung down and reached my fence. That had all been trimmed before I took this photo.
By slipping down a bit, the fallen tree now had reached and bent down half of the apple tree. The apple tree was pushing against my fence. A few years ago I had rebuilt this fence. I guess I did a good job as none of the barb wire broke. The nearby metal post was starting to lean.
And you can see some of the apple tree roots were starting to come up out of the ground.
Now that my chainsaw was fixed I could reach a bit higher and most all of the fallen trees branches. I left the fallen tree branches that were against the other evergreen tree branches. I also was able to trim some of top end the fallen tree's trunk. I was mostly able to make the fallen tree shorter so that when it came down it would miss my fence.
The following photo shows how the fallen tree was on half of the apple tree, and how the apple tree was bending my fence wires.
The fallen tree was lighter now. But it still needed to come down. I decided to cut the fallen tree near the apple tree. The fallen tree would be held up from the ground level to the apple tree. The end of the fallen tree would drop down to the ground. Maybe even the top end would still would be held up by the branches of the evergreen tree, and only the cut end would drop to the ground.
As I expected the top part of the cut trunk would come together, after only starting the cut at the top for a little bit, I moved the chainsaw blade to the bottom of the trunk. But, instead of going down the trunk went up and trapped my chainsaw blade and chain in the bottom of the cut.
What?!!!! What happened to gravity?
It took some effort of pulling and pushing and eventually I was able to finally get the blade out of the cut.
I tried cutting more from the top. Because I was standing on the step ladder to reach the trunk I couldn't cut a lot from the top. I then would cut the trunk from the side. The next I knew the trunk was starting to split and move. But instead of moving down the trunk moved sideways and towards me on the ladder.
Holding onto the chainsaw I had to jump off the ladder. I was able to land on the ground with no injuries. In the following photo you can see how the trunk moved to the other side of the ladder and somehow did not knock the step ladder over. So there was no way I could have stayed on the ladder. Again, gravity was not working well.

The odd movement of the tree trunk also took half of the apple tree down. So all my efforts to save that apple tree half failed. The fence was pushed over more but the wires still did not break. I was able to cut that half of the apple tree above the fence. Then when I tried to cut the apple tree down by the roots the chainsaw's chain came off. After I put the chainsaw chain back on, the chain didn't want to turn. I don't know what happened but all my efforts couldn't fix the problem. And to make things worse the mosquitoes were out and starting to eat me alive. I may have to take the chainsaw back to the repair shop. I'm starting to get convinced that after my head injury and coming back from death's door I am now in a parallel universe. Strange and odd things happen much more now.
Of course because the tree trunk went sideways instead down, the top part of the tree trunk fell on my fence. Again the fence wires somehow didn't break. I was able to cut many of the remaining side branches using a handsaw. But I have more work to do to cut the remaining trunk once the chainsaw is fixed. Nothing is simple or easy.
Once the chainsaw was shut off the calves and Speckles had to come and check out the tree trunk.