Friday, May 22, 2020

Another breakout attempt

This afternoon I seen that cows 70 and 90 were in heat and were pestering and mounting each other.  Of course Toby the bull was in the south corral moaning/mooing as he wanted to help those two out.  Later when I put hay out to feed the cows I seen that the top two boards were partially off the corral fence divider.  These were the same fence section boards he had pushed against yesterday.

Since I had put up the metal pipe Toby was unable to push on the third board. I also had put in a short wooden fence post and that held into place the bottom board.

As you can see the wire was also really bent but it held the boards.  And you can see how long the nails were that he pushed out with the board.

I re-nailed the boards back to the railroad tie.  I also pounded in more long nails into these and a few other boards.   I also pounded into the ground another old wooden fence post to help stop the movement of these fence boards.   I can't wait until June 1 when I let Toby out to mingle with these horny cows.

Since Toby wasn't able to get the bottom two fence boards loose the cattle were unable to get into the south corral again to eat from that hay bale.

It didn't rain today but as you can see it is still very muddy in the corral.  Fortunately I still can drive in the corral to unload hay.

1 comment:

jdawg said...

Hi there! I am Jim Layton of One Less Karen and I just now came across your post about our concert in Depot Park back in 2007. I suppose 13 years is better than never, but I rarely do a search on our name (obviously) and I was surprised this came up. We just wanted to thank you for your kind review of the show - it's great to see that someone knows the Waterboys in Montana other than us!
We are in Washington state right now and for the last few years have been here for the winter and in Montana for the summer months. We haven't been playing out for quite a while but we plan to get back into it at some point.
Thanks again and sorry about the delay in seeing the post!