Saturday, July 27, 2019

Bull back in NE pasture

I am trying once again to have Toby the bull in the NE pasture.  Each day, multiple times, he hangs around the middle pasture gate mooing for Mama and Diamond. It is getting annoying.  Last night I have moved one sprinkler line to run south of the barn, making the line shorter.   So the pipes don't get too much pressure I decided to also run four pipes off a valve in the middle pasture.  Toby was near the middle pasture gate as I moved pipes.  I moved two pipes.  As I walked back to get the other two pipes at the gate I saw Toby starting to walk towards me.  (I try to always keep an eye on Toby when in the same area as him.)   Then Toby began to get excited.  He put his head down and started to hop up and down as he moved towards me.  I yelled and waved my arms and he stopped hopping up and down.  Before he could start back up I ran to the gate and up and over it.  Toby followed.  He rubbed his head on the gate and then on the railroad tie the gate was chained to.  He is getting frustrated he can't get to Mama and Diamond.  I had to drag the pipes through the hayfield to get around Toby.

Today I put some of the temporary corral panels along the fence where Toby had broken through before.  I had one other area where the fence boards are on the 'wrong' side of the fence.  I put a couple of corral panels against the fence there.

Toby was the middle pasture gate yet again this afternoon and I let him through the gate.  He immediately went to the corral.  Mama saw him coming and she came to the corral gate.  After moving Mama back from the gate multiple times I was able to get Toby through the gate.  He immediately went to 'checking' Mama.  For the first hour he constantly accompanied Mama around the corral and NE pasture.

Mama should not be coming into heat yet.  Apparently cows will come into heat 50 to 60 days after having a calf, and I read for beef cows it can be 45 to 55 days.  Also, if the cow is exposed to a bull the number of days can be up to ten days shorter.  So, a minimum of 35 days if all conditions are right.  Mama gave birth July 1.  So the earliest date Mama would come into heat would be August 4.

Hopefully Toby being with Mama and Diamond settles him down.  I have closed the driveway gate to the road in case he does get ancy and breaks a fence again.

Mama and Toby

Temporary corral panel fence fix

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