Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Hayshed work

Yesterday and today were warm and dry.  So I figured it was time this afternoon to start putting hay bales into the hayshed now that they were getting dry.  First I had to take out the 20 hay bales left over from last year.  Several of those hay bales had slumped against the back wall and that slightly pushed out two of the poles holding the wall up.  I used the tractor to push the wall back straight.  Nothing goes smooth as the extra haybine sat right where I needed to drive the tractor to push the wall.  And the haybine jack has sunk slightly in the ground the past year.  So the haybine hitch was an inch too low.  I had to use the tractor's loader to lift the haybine and set the jack on a block.  Then I could hook it up to the tractor.

Back and forth checking the one pole until I had it where I needed and nailed it back in place to the roof.  Calvin and his son came over as I was finishing the nailing.  I had Calvin move the tractor and push the second pole for me.  That saved me from having to go up and down the ladder multiple times.

It was getting late by the time I started to move this year's hay bales into the shed.  Also it started to sprinkle rain after I moved the first bale.  I moved seven bales.  Enough for two levels.  That is all I want for the back row.  If the bales slump again three levels puts too much pressure on the back wall.

Then I moved last year's bales back into the hayshed.  I did so because the forecast is for rain tonight and tomorrow and I don't want those bales to get wet.

I dislike moving last year's bales too much.  The more I move them the greater chance that the twine will get hooked or slip or start to come off the bale.  I had three or so bales that happened to.  Once I had the bales back in the hayshed I spent time raking up the hay that fell or flaked off the bales.  I think I have a pickup load of loose hay.  For now I left the loose hay in the corner of the hayshed.

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