Thursday, March 22, 2018

Calf 3 and temporary panel fence

This morning it appeared that cow #110 was letting her calf drink without my intervention.  In the afternoon I released the cow and calf from the loading corral and they went out to join the rest of the cows.  Cow #110 even waited outside the corral for the calf to slowly wobble over to join her before taking the calf to the rest of the herd in the north pasture.

No new calves today.

For the two cows and calves in the NE pasture I put up temporary corral panels to keep them in the eastern part of the NE pasture.  That is where I had placed the hay and water.  The cows wanted to lay in the western part of the pasture along the gate with the north pasture - to be closer to the rest of the cows in the north pasture.  That meant I had to make sure the gates were always closed in the NE pasture when going in to get more hay from the hayshed.  And as cow #20's front leg was again bothering her from the extra walking I wanted to keep her in a more confined area for now.

These cow's two calves are showing more energy today as they were running around and around their area.

The gate I bought at auction last Fall.

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