Monday, September 11, 2017

Tractor tire and hay

My tractor's tire was flat again this morning.  It was a mighty struggle to take off the wheel's lug nuts.  I don't think the lug nuts had ever been removed as the yellow paint was still on the threads.  Half of the nuts didn't unscrew - the whole bolt unscrewed out of the rim.

Les Schwab Tires fixed my flat tire for free.  Apparently their free flat repair extends from passenger vehicles to tractor tires too.  They found a small hole in the tire's tube.  No sign of what made the hole.  Their guess was a sharp rock.

The tire is fixed and back on the tractor.

How a front tire should look.

The flat tire

Here is how the hay looks now that it stored inside the hayshed.  As you can see the hay doesn't quite fit inside.

Now on the to-do list is raking and cleaning up the flaked off and loose hay left behind during the move.  Also I need to finish moving and stacking some of the stuff that will now be stored outside, and cleaning up the stuff I plan to get rid of.

Our weather pattern is predicted to finally change on Thursday so I got the hay inside just in time.

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