Monday, December 05, 2016

Cylinder fix

Winter is here.  While we didn't get as much snow as the forecasters had predicted, it was enough to blanket everything.  So the projects have come to an end of the year.

I didn't get:
  1. the hay field completely disc'd,
  2. the logs cleaned up in the pastures,
  3. the NE / hayshed fence rebuilt, or
  4. the wood stove room redone.
There is always next year.

Part of what slowed me down for discing the hay field (other than searching for days for the missing tractor's 3 point bolt) was that the disc's hydraulic cylinder broke.   I accidentally broke it over a week ago.  I unhooked the tractor from the disc in order to drive to the gas station to fill the tractor with diesel.  In my hurry I forgot to also unhook the two hydraulic hoses from the tractor.   The hoses didn't unhook themselves, or break.  What broke was a pipe fitting from the hose into the cylinder.

I happened to have another fitting to match the odd fitting.  However the one end broke off in the cylinder.  Curtis has a tool to unscrew pieces threaded into another object.   The broken fitting was tight in the cylinder.  Between the two of us - with a cheater bar for leverage - we slowly began to unscrew the fitting.  But when Curtis took over the wrench the cylinder broke.


The cylinder is American made and I figured I could get a replacement part.  I had to email the company to get a list of local distributors as they didn't have the list on their web site.

A distributor was just down the road a little ways. I took the broken part and the entire cylinder to the store.  While I said I wanted to replace the part he tried to order a whole new cylinder for $170 (I'm sure he initially said $70).  I insisted on just the part.  He wasn't sure the company sold the part.  Really?!

He called the company.  Of course they sold the part.  $45 plus shipping.

Today I finally put the cylinder back together.  Too late to use it this year.  Next year.

Broken part

Cylinder taken apart.

Fixed cylinder

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