Sunday, September 04, 2016

Another Buddy breakout

A quarter to 9 am this morning I heard a few odd moos from the cattle.  I looked outside and found Buddy eating from a bag of apples in the patio.  Once again Buddy wanted dessert for breakfast.

Same routine: close the driveway gate, leave a trail of apples for Buddy to following into the south corral, release Buddy back into the hayfield.  Fortunately I had enough of the corral's east fence rebuilt to be able to keep Buddy in the south pasture.

After Buddy's first breakout some nights I remembered to close the font gate, other night I forget and leave it open.  Buddy didn't go out the open driveway gate; once in the yard he abused a caragana shrub then went for the apples.

Buddy went through the fence in the exact same spot he did the first time. He remembered.  The new stronger board didn't stop him.

I patched the broken board and then used some extra t-posts to brace against the fence.  I just need this fix to last ten days after which the cattle will be removed from the hayfield in preparation for the hayfield being plowed under.

Buddy back in the south corral

Apples to entice Buddy back out to the hayfield.  Buddy loves apples.

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