Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bucket of bull thistle flowers

Wednesday, after fixing one of Bob's and Jan's underground sprinkler connections, I decided to clip off the bull thistle flowers growing on two plants in my hayfield.  The flowers are getting ready to turn to seed and I haven't gotten to spraying weeds yet.

Once clipped my flowers I noticed all the bull thistle plants on my absentee neighbor's property across the road. After I got on his property I saw there were more plants than I saw from the road.  I thought I would clip flowers off some of the plants, but not all of them as I had other projects to do.   But the more I clipped the more I kept going.  I ended up clipping all of them and filled a five gallon bucket with the flowers.  I only put in the bucket the flowers that had gone to seed (but thankfully not opened) or were turning to seed.  The other flowers I left on the ground.

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