Monday, March 03, 2014

More weather

Hopefully the saying is true: "In like a lion, out like a lamb".   This weekend has been cold, windy and snowy.  All weekend. And lots of each.  Tammy planned a Tastefully Simple tasting party for her team on Sunday and she had to postpone it until next weekend due to the weather.  So we have a refrigerator full of food.

Sunday morning Daisy was bored and really wanted to go outside.  Numerous times in the morning she indicated she wanted to go outside hoping each time the weather would be better.  Tammy or I would open the door and Daisy would see what the weather was like and then turn around... disappointed.  Lots of meowing in the morning until Daisy gave up and settled down for an afternoon nap.

You can't burn this cardboard... it is mine!

The cattle's fur must really protect them as the snow on the cattle is not melting.

Temperatures always around zero F requires the stock tank heater to be used.   The small open area is because I hadn't used the heater earlier overnight.

All weekend I have shoveled and re-shoveled pathways to all the buildings and the corral.  I shoveled part of the driveway since Tammy goes to work tomorrow.  It is still snowing and the forecast has non-stop snow for the next couple days before we return to normal temperatures and the snow changes to rain.

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