Thursday, August 29, 2013

Automatic float valve

I bought a metal automatic float valve for the livestock's water trough.  No more overfilling the water trough!!!  Yay!!

It was easy to assemble.  The problem I had were my garden hoses.  I was using old cracked and leaky hoses  that were fine before but now with constant water pressure I can't have my hoses leak.  Because the float is permanently mounted I had to split the garden hose and have another hose go over to the horse's water trough.  Because the horses don't drink as much water as the cattle I don't need the float on that trough as the water in that trough lasts two to three days.  Currently I refill the cattle's water trough twice a day.

After lots of adjustment replacing hoses and washers I got a leak free set up.  The float works great.

This is one less thing to worry about when I go to Washington State for the Labor Day weekend.  My neighbors said they would refill the water troughs when I was away, but I didn't want that they had to come over twice a day and stand around for 20 minutes of so.

The cattle out in the field which is getting drier.

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