I called Jerry again, and while Lowes was booked with lots of deliveries this week, he moved me up to Wednesday. Wednesday morning I called Lowes delivery to find out my delivery time but learned I wasn't on the schedule. I talked to Jerry again and he promised I would get my refrigerator Wednesday between 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm.
Before 2 pm a U-haul truck drove up. To get me on the schedule as promised Lowes rented a U-haul truck to deliver my refrigerator. That's service.
The delivery guys had to take off my house door to get the refrigerator inside the house. I had never taken the door off and I learned it was a solid and very heavy door.
My old refrigerator was a Whirlpool. I don't know how old it was as neither the delivery guys or I could find a date on it. I know it predates my dad as he always saved the warranty and instruction booklets on appliances he had bought. I think the refrigerator is from the last major house remodel which was done in the mid-1960s.
The Whirlpool model was EAT 19PM. I couldn't find any info on this model other than an advertisement from 1978. That refrigerator was sold for $537. I think this style of refrigerator is selling today for around the same price.
Here is where the old Whirlpool refrigerator once stood. The area is too small - width and height - for the new refrigerator. Once the kitchen & dining room remodel is done the refrigerator will go elsewhere along the wall.
For now I placed the refrigerator in one corner of the dining room.
Here are photos of my new Samsung refrigerator. I bought is model: RF260BEAESR.
Doesn't the LED lighting look cool?
While I am not big on getting extended warranties, I got one for this refrigerator. Because:
- there are no authorized Samsung service repairmen in Flathead Valley,
- the refrigerator has electronics to control the refrigerator instead of dials. Replacing this circuit board could be expensive,
- the refrigerator has two compressors - one for the refrigerator and one for the freezer.
Right after we got the refrigerator and plugged it in Tammy went right to work taking the plastic wrap off everything.
I hit the "power cool" and "power freeze" buttons and it wasn't long before it was time to put food into the new freezer. Tammy was adamant she didn't want my "old" food in "her" new refrigerator. She only wanted her food in her freezer. My stuff was to go in the basement freezer.

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