Today I worked more on the pantry doors. Yesterday I took my uncle Curt's suggestion and sprayed foam sealant into the gap between the wall and door jam.
Today I cut away and scraped the foam sealant that bubbled out beyond the door jam. On the outside around the doors I will add trim boards to hide the gap and foam. On the inside I don't plan on adding trim board. Instead I decided to mud over the sealant to provide a smooth look.
I was almost done adding the mud when I hit my head on one of the shelf brackets. Ouch.

Then, to prove that I don't have any short term memory, a few minutes later as I stood up I hit my head on a second bracket. This time I hit my head harder and the blood quick began to gush. Tammy got me a towel to hold to my head to stop the blood.
Here is the blood that fell before I got the towel. (Even though I was still holding the towel to my head I should have held the camera closer since in this view it doesn't look like much blood.)
Most of the towel was soaked by the time the blood stopped flowing.
I already had gone through one cycle of washing the blood out of the towel when I thought of taking this photo.
The cut on the left side of the photo was the blood gushing scratch. The right cut was the first scratch.
Tammy put this patch on my head and then made tacos for supper. The blood started to flow again by the end of supper and Tammy was grossed out by my bandage. She doesn't like seeing blood. I couldn't see it.
Yup. This is what it looked like. It's not that gross, is it? You wouldn't have any problem sitting next to this guy while eating your supper, would you? Nah. Didn't think so.
So I had to change the bandage. I noticed the cut was large enough to leave a scar. I don't have any butterfly bandages. I rode my bicycle in the rain over to Bob and Jan's house and Jan put some butterfly bandages on my cut. Whether they will help with the scar... time will tell.
So the completion of my pantry doors is pushed back ONCE AGAIN!! They'll be finished soon I swear.
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