Friday, January 06, 2012

Sisyphus and the wood pile

Another nice day. No real rain or snow in the forecast for a week.   I surveyed my pole shed and decided to start moving the wood pile and camper from one bay to the next so I can have the vehicles next to one another.  If Sisyphus can move the boulder, I can move my wood pile.  Besides, even though there is no snow on the ground, the ground is frozen preventing me from digging fence post holes.

That's a lot of wood to move!

The start.

What I accomplished for the day.  Now do you get why it takes me so long to complete the work on one of these bays even though I worked well after the sun set?!

Actually, I did more than what is shown.  Go back to the side view photo.  I removed all the small odds and ends of wood right next to the camper above the brown concrete.

You know... I should have a contest.  Instead of guessing when the ice on some lake will melt, people can guess when I finally get everything moved. 

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