Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New used harrow sections

Tuesday, after attending an auction in Whitefish, I got two old spike tooth harrow sections that John said he would give me.

John had them in the tall grass in a back pasture. He drove his small tractor back to load them but I was able to lift them into the pickup myself.

The sections are old and have seen lots of wear, but are no worse than the two sections I currently have.  These two sections will buy me more time until I find a better harrow.

The harrow sections will be used next year as I have the cow pies and pocket gopher mounds in the hayfield to break up and level next year.

I showed John the Victor Blackhole pocket gopher traps I use.  He - like all ranchers out here - has a pocket gopher problem and he has had little success in trapping them with his traps.

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