Monday evening I attended an auction on Pheasant Road near Columbia Falls. The date and time were unusual as most auctions are held on Saturday, starting in the morning. In addition to being a Monday auctions the start time was 5 pm. Fortunately the auctioneer moved things along well and the auction was done by 8:30pm.
The auction was held in a large horse arena. It appears the woman who owned the property, stables and horse arena was reluctantly holding the auction. She also had the property up for sale. The economy is still bad in the Flathead Valley and it seems as if less people have horses. When one guy I had been talking with looked for her towards the end of the auction, he was told she had left because seeing her stuff sold was hard on her.
While horse feeders, tack, gates, etc. was advertized, lots of household stuff was also auctioned. For once I arrived to an auction on time and had time to kill as what I was interested in didn't sell till near the end of the auction.
Fortunately while I waited I had a lawn chair I had brought along. I got so relaxed I started to fall asleep. A couple items that perked my interest was a 19" flat screen TV that sold for $27.50. They said it worked. Also they had a few items where no one would bid. When they tossed in a large pipe wrench I became interested. However I was so relaxed that by the time I considered taking a chance the pipe wrench was good, they tossed in a large framed mirror and other people started bidding.
I almost bought another 16 ft gate. A flat metal gate was auctioned and, while I wasn't really interested, the only bid was for $10. Way cheap! So I began to bid. I dropped out when I had to bid $27.50. I didn't really want the gate.
I did successfully buy two metal 8 ft long gates and four metal 12 ft long corral panels. I only wanted the two gates but I won the bidding at $25 each. That was cheap so I took all of them. The gates and panels are a lighter weight steel than the green HW brand but they will do the job, especially at that price. I had never heard of the brand - Farmview - before.
The auction also sold green gates and corral panels. Usually that means the HW brand, but there were also some green Farmview panels mixed in. I was interested in the one 10 ft metal HW gate but I didn't bid. I had talked with John who was interested in the green panels and also the harrows at the auction. John said he had a few old spike tooth harrows in his back pasture and that as he didn't want them I could have them. So, I didn't bid against John. I also thought I would have a chance to bid on the gate later as John wasn't interested in it. Another man outbid John at $50 and the only thing he took was the gate. The auctioneer offered second chance to John at $50 to take the panels and he did. Later he discovered that a few of the green panels were not the HW brand.
John also didn't get a chance to bid on the harrow as the auctioneers couldn't find all the sections of the harrow.
Later the lady who I bid against for the 16 ft gate saw me carry my panels our to my truck. She didn't realize that I had bid against her for the gate. She told me she knew a man who was selling some corral panels to her for $35. She didn't know how many he had, but if he had more than what she wanted, she would call me to let me know there was some left. I wasn't planning on gathering corral panels, but if the price is right I could find a use for them.
I already partially unloaded the panels before I took the photo.
The four corral panels I had bought. This and the preceding photo were taken at same time - one photo with flash and one without.