Friday, February 25, 2011

Melting snow on a cold day

Our forecast low last night never got close to the predictions.  My thermometer had a low of only minus 4 F degrees.  Today the temperature got up to 10 F.  The strong wind that had blown for days now has quit.   The sun was out most of the day making it feel much warmer, especially when on the south side of buildings.  The sun is a major moral booster and a nice change from cloudy skies.

Even though the temperature was only 10 above, mid afternoon at the sun's peak, some melting was going on.  It is hard to see in the photo but water from melting snow was dripping off the roof quite a lot.

I also included a photo of the faded barn.  Really needs painting, don't you think?

I did a little shoveling of snow on the way to the corral.  Suddenly a fat mouse popped out from the snow.  Mice can't run quite as fast in the snow and the mouse is no longer among the living.  Elsewhere around the yard I seen signs of disturbed snow where mice has been out and about.

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