Saturday, June 17, 2006

River flow and dam

As you can see from the following chart, once the rain stopped my river stopped rising for the most part. Since last midnight to 10:30 pm tonight the river rose from 1000 CFS to 1010. Tonight when I checked the river I could see it was higher than yesterday, but as the tracking station is a few miles upstream of me, the increase in the river flow I saw was probably the increase tracked late yesterday that made its way down to my place.

Also in the news today is that a small dam broke this afternoon on the Stillwater River north of Olney, MT. The Stillwater River is west / northwest of me and doesn't affect me as it joins the Whitefish River some miles south of me. The Stillwater River initially had a flash flood watch and now has "just" a flood warning. That's all I know as today is Saturday and the TV news isn't as thorough (as if it is thorough the other days ), and it is broadcast from Missoula - 120 miles from here. So it is not really the local news, and no video.

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